Règlement Interne
(en anglais)
  1. The minimum age to Check-in is 18 years old.
    In case of minors it will only be possible either accompanied by their parents or presenting a legal statement from their guardians (parental custody holder) authorising the trip.

  2. It is mandatory to present an Identification Document with photo at Check-in of all the Suite occupants, adults, children and babies (Citizen Card, Passport or Residence Permit).

  3. The payment of the accommodation is made upon Check-in.

  4. Early departures are not refundable.

  5. In the event of a “No Show” until 12:00 of the day after the scheduled arrival date and without prior notification of late arrival to the reservations department, the reservation will be automatically cancelled without the right to a refund of the deposit paid.

  6. Dogs are allowed in the hotel. You can consult our “Dog Friendly” policy at the hotel reception.

  7. No visitors are allowed in the Suites.

  8. No noise is allowed in the common areas and suites, under penalty of being expelled from the Hotel without any refund.

  9. After veriying the “Do Not Disturb” card, the same will be respected for 24 hours. After this period of time, the reception will contact the guest to make sure about his safety.

  10. The “cleaning refusal” is not accepted for more than 48 hours, to guarantee the quality of the service provided by Hotel da Rocha.

  11. The Hotel is not responsible for values left in the Suites.

  12. It is forbidden to hang clothes on the balconies.

  13. No cooking is allowed in the Suites.

  14. No smoking is allowed in the Suites and common areas of the Hotel.

  15. It is mandatory to wear appropriate clothing and footwear to access the restaurant.

  16. Parking without reserved places. The number indicated on the ticket is the registration number and only represents the access to the garage.